The Grundfos SOLAR PML OEM circulator pump is energy optimized for small and medium solar thermal charging station in which the demand is mainly on small reduced flow.

Characteristic Features
Glandless circulator pumps integrated in products shall have an energy efficiency index (EEI) of not more than 0.23, the benchmark level being 0.20
Controlled via a digital low-voltage pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal which means that the speed of rotation depends on the input signal. The speed changes as a function of the input profile.
Cataphoretically coated cast iron housing
Electronics separated from motor, motor protected against condensed water by drain holes and double-coated wiring
Grundfos SOLAR PML OEM circulator pump
Ready for Conversion according to Ecodesign Requirements for August, 2015
Fit for cold antifreeze media containing glycol or ethanol
Fit for condensing environments