Grundfos UPM3 FLEX AS OEM circulator pump is a flexible solution for boiler systems now and in the future. It is designed to work both with and without PWM signal, allowing you to upgrade your systems without having to change the circulators.

Characteristic Features
Glandless High Efficiency circulator for integration in HVAC systems; EEI ≤ 0.20 EN16297/3
Smallest design ever for a circulator; smaller than the well-known UPS circulator
Externally controlled signal with standard PWM profile A for 4 MAX
Available with many standard and customized housings
Active or passive inrush current limitation
Ambient temperatures of up to 70 °C.
Grundfos UPM3 FLEX AS OEM circulator pump
Lowest space requirements ever for a circulator integrated in an appliance
Optimised design fit for easy accessibility
Easy access to the user interface from front
Easy access to the connectors from front
Easy access to the pump head screws from the front
Easy access to the de-blocking screw from front
Intelligent configuration
5 control modes, 18 curves, PLUS 2 AUTOADAPT proportional and constant pressure
Different signals and profiles available (PWM A, PWM C, KMBus)
Standard return signal showing power consumption, alarm and operation status
Other customized input profiles and different return profiles are possible e.g. flow estimation
Ready for Conversion according Ecodesign requirement for August, 2015 exceeding benchmark level; EEI ≤ 0.20 EN16297/3
Unmatched reliability
Field and lab tested product quality
Ceramic bearing shaft – The UPM3 comes equipped with ceramic bearing shafts for a long and trouble-free lifetime. The ceramic material is extremely durable and will not wear.
Double de-blocking system – Electronic de-blocking that maintains the maximum starting torque up to 25 Ncm and manual de-blocking accessible from the front without demounting the control box.
High temperature resilience – The resilience to heat will enhance the possibilities of system integration enormously. Ambient temperatures of up to 70 °C.