Comprehensive selection of control valves to meet every application.
Self-acting temperature control.
Self-acting pressure control.
Piston actuated.
Ball valves.
Globe valves.
Spirax Sarco pneumatic actuators

Valve actuator that moves according to the amount of air pressure applied to a diaphragm. Comprehensive selection of pneumatic actuators to meet every application.
Spirax Sarco electric actuators

Fitted to a valve that allows the valve to be operated remotely by an electrical signal.
Wide range of solutions
Accurate control
Spirax Sarco positioners controllers and sensors

Positioners – fitted to a pneumatically actuated control valve that maximizes its operational efficiency by guaranteeing a set valve position relative to the input control signal.
Controllers – equipment or program within a control system which responds to changes in a measured value by initiating a control action to affect that value.
Sensor – in control terms, the element which responds directly to the value of the controlled condition.
Spirax Sarco pressure reducing and surplussing valves

Well designed steam systems produce clean dry steam for delivery at high pressure – the best quality steam at the lowest cost.
Lower pressure steam is usually needed at the point of use.
Effective control demands an automatic valve that can reduce steam pressure accurately, reliably and at a cost to suit the application.
Spirax Sarco safety valves

Spring loaded or pilot operated, compact, high performance, high efficiency safety valves according to API standards, for sanitary use, for critical applications, PTFE lined, with metal or soft seal and threaded, flanged, clamp, sterile, aseptic or varivent.